LoRaMAC  4.5.2
Documentation of the API
LoRaMacConfirmQueue.h File Reference

LoRa MAC confirm queue implementation. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "LoRaMac.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  MlmeConfirmQueue_t




void LoRaMacConfirmQueueInit (LoRaMacPrimitives_t *primitive)
 Initializes the confirm queue. More...
bool LoRaMacConfirmQueueAdd (MlmeConfirmQueue_t *mlmeConfirm)
 Adds an element to the confirm queue. More...
bool LoRaMacConfirmQueueRemoveLast (void)
 Removes the last element which was added into the queue. More...
bool LoRaMacConfirmQueueRemoveFirst (void)
 Removes the first element which was added to the confirm queue. More...
void LoRaMacConfirmQueueSetStatus (LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t status, Mlme_t request)
 Sets the status of an element. More...
LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t LoRaMacConfirmQueueGetStatus (Mlme_t request)
 Gets the status of an element. More...
void LoRaMacConfirmQueueSetStatusCmn (LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t status)
 Sets a common status for all elements in the queue. More...
LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t LoRaMacConfirmQueueGetStatusCmn (void)
 Gets the common status of all elements. More...
bool LoRaMacConfirmQueueIsCmdActive (Mlme_t request)
 Verifies if a request is in the queue and active. More...
void LoRaMacConfirmQueueHandleCb (MlmeConfirm_t *mlmeConfirm)
 Handles all callbacks of active requests. More...
uint8_t LoRaMacConfirmQueueGetCnt (void)
 Query number of elements in the queue. More...
bool LoRaMacConfirmQueueIsFull (void)
 Verify if the confirm queue is full. More...

Detailed Description

LoRa MAC confirm queue implementation.

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_____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
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(C)2013 Semtech
___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
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Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )