LoRaMAC  4.5.2
Documentation of the API
Region AS923

Implementation according to LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.2. More...


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1   1
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1   1
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_2   2
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_2   2
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_3   3
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_3   3
#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1_JP   4
#define AS923_MAX_NB_CHANNELS   16
#define AS923_TX_MIN_DATARATE   DR_0
#define AS923_TX_MAX_DATARATE   DR_7
#define AS923_RX_MIN_DATARATE   DR_0
#define AS923_RX_MAX_DATARATE   DR_7
#define AS923_MIN_RX1_DR_OFFSET   0
#define AS923_MAX_RX1_DR_OFFSET   7
#define AS923_MIN_TX_POWER   TX_POWER_7
#define AS923_MAX_TX_POWER   TX_POWER_0
#define AS923_DEFAULT_MAX_EIRP   16.0f
#define AS923_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN   2.15f
#define AS923_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED   0
#define AS923_MAX_RX_WINDOW   3000
#define AS923_RX_WND_2_FREQ   923200000
#define AS923_RX_WND_2_DR   DR_2
#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ   923400000
#define AS923_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_FREQ   923400000
#define AS923_BEACON_SIZE   17
#define AS923_RFU1_SIZE   1
#define AS923_RFU2_SIZE   0
#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR   DR_3
#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_BW   0
#define AS923_MAX_NB_BANDS   1
#define AS923_BAND0   { 100, AS923_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
#define AS923_LC1   { 923200000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
#define AS923_LC2   { 923400000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
#define AS923_JOIN_CHANNELS   ( uint16_t )( LC( 1 ) | LC( 2 ) )
#define AS923_RSSI_FREE_TH   -80
#define AS923_CARRIER_SENSE_TIME   5


PhyParam_t RegionAS923GetPhyParam (GetPhyParams_t *getPhy)
 The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute. More...
void RegionAS923SetBandTxDone (SetBandTxDoneParams_t *txDone)
 Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel. More...
void RegionAS923InitDefaults (InitDefaultsParams_t *params)
 Initializes the channels masks and the channels. More...
bool RegionAS923Verify (VerifyParams_t *verify, PhyAttribute_t phyAttribute)
 Verifies a parameter. More...
void RegionAS923ApplyCFList (ApplyCFListParams_t *applyCFList)
 The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the CF list. More...
bool RegionAS923ChanMaskSet (ChanMaskSetParams_t *chanMaskSet)
 Sets a channels mask. More...
void RegionAS923ComputeRxWindowParameters (int8_t datarate, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, RxConfigParams_t *rxConfigParams)
bool RegionAS923RxConfig (RxConfigParams_t *rxConfig, int8_t *datarate)
 Configuration of the RX windows. More...
bool RegionAS923TxConfig (TxConfigParams_t *txConfig, int8_t *txPower, TimerTime_t *txTimeOnAir)
 TX configuration. More...
uint8_t RegionAS923LinkAdrReq (LinkAdrReqParams_t *linkAdrReq, int8_t *drOut, int8_t *txPowOut, uint8_t *nbRepOut, uint8_t *nbBytesParsed)
 The function processes a Link ADR Request. More...
uint8_t RegionAS923RxParamSetupReq (RxParamSetupReqParams_t *rxParamSetupReq)
 The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request. More...
int8_t RegionAS923NewChannelReq (NewChannelReqParams_t *newChannelReq)
 The function processes a Channel Request. More...
int8_t RegionAS923TxParamSetupReq (TxParamSetupReqParams_t *txParamSetupReq)
 The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request. More...
int8_t RegionAS923DlChannelReq (DlChannelReqParams_t *dlChannelReq)
 The function processes a DlChannel Request. More...
int8_t RegionAS923AlternateDr (int8_t currentDr, AlternateDrType_t type)
 Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request. More...
LoRaMacStatus_t RegionAS923NextChannel (NextChanParams_t *nextChanParams, uint8_t *channel, TimerTime_t *time, TimerTime_t *aggregatedTimeOff)
 Searches and set the next random available channel. More...
LoRaMacStatus_t RegionAS923ChannelAdd (ChannelAddParams_t *channelAdd)
 Adds a channel. More...
bool RegionAS923ChannelsRemove (ChannelRemoveParams_t *channelRemove)
 Removes a channel. More...
uint8_t RegionAS923ApplyDrOffset (uint8_t downlinkDwellTime, int8_t dr, int8_t drOffset)
 Computes new datarate according to the given offset. More...
void RegionAS923RxBeaconSetup (RxBeaconSetup_t *rxBeaconSetup, uint8_t *outDr)
 Sets the radio into beacon reception mode. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation according to LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.2.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1   1

Channel plan group AS923-1 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = 0


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1   1

Channel plan group AS923-1 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = 0


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_2   2

Channel plan group AS923-2 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = -1.8MHz


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_2   2

Channel plan group AS923-2 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = -1.8MHz


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_3   3

Channel plan group AS923-3 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = -6.6MHz


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_3   3

Channel plan group AS923-3 AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = -6.6MHz


#define CHANNEL_PLAN_GROUP_AS923_1_JP   4

Channel plan group AS923-1 for Japan AS923_FREQ_OFFSET = 0


#define AS923_MAX_NB_CHANNELS   16

LoRaMac maximum number of channels



Number of default channels



Number of channels to apply for the CF list


#define AS923_TX_MIN_DATARATE   DR_0

Minimal datarate that can be used by the node


#define AS923_TX_MAX_DATARATE   DR_7

Maximal datarate that can be used by the node


#define AS923_RX_MIN_DATARATE   DR_0

Minimal datarate that can be used by the node


#define AS923_RX_MAX_DATARATE   DR_7

Maximal datarate that can be used by the node



Default datarate used by the node



The minimum datarate which is used when the dwell time is limited.


#define AS923_MIN_RX1_DR_OFFSET   0

Minimal Rx1 receive datarate offset


#define AS923_MAX_RX1_DR_OFFSET   7

Maximal Rx1 receive datarate offset


#define AS923_MIN_TX_POWER   TX_POWER_7

Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node


#define AS923_MAX_TX_POWER   TX_POWER_0

Maximal Tx output power that can be used by the node



Default Tx output power used by the node



Default uplink dwell time configuration


#define AS923_DEFAULT_MAX_EIRP   16.0f

Default Max EIRP


#define AS923_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN   2.15f

Default antenna gain


#define AS923_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED   0

Enabled or disabled the duty cycle


#define AS923_MAX_RX_WINDOW   3000

Maximum RX window duration


#define AS923_RX_WND_2_FREQ   923200000

Second reception window channel frequency definition.

◆ AS923_RX_WND_2_DR

#define AS923_RX_WND_2_DR   DR_2

Second reception window channel datarate definition.


#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ   923400000

Beacon frequency


#define AS923_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_FREQ   923400000

Ping slot channel frequency


#define AS923_BEACON_SIZE   17

Payload size of a beacon frame


#define AS923_RFU1_SIZE   1

Size of RFU 1 field


#define AS923_RFU2_SIZE   0

Size of RFU 2 field


#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR   DR_3

Datarate of the beacon channel


#define AS923_BEACON_CHANNEL_BW   0

Bandwith of the beacon channel



Ping slot channel datarate


#define AS923_MAX_NB_BANDS   1

Maximum number of bands

◆ AS923_BAND0

#define AS923_BAND0   { 100, AS923_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

Band 0 definition Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastBandUpdateTime, LastMaxCreditAssignTime, TimeCredits, MaxTimeCredits, ReadyForTransmission }

◆ AS923_LC1

#define AS923_LC1   { 923200000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }

LoRaMac default channel 1 Channel = { Frequency [Hz], RX1 Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }

◆ AS923_LC2

#define AS923_LC2   { 923400000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }

LoRaMac default channel 2 Channel = { Frequency [Hz], RX1 Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }


#define AS923_JOIN_CHANNELS   ( uint16_t )( LC( 1 ) | LC( 2 ) )

LoRaMac channels which are allowed for the join procedure


#define AS923_RSSI_FREE_TH   -80

RSSI threshold for a free channel [dBm]


#define AS923_CARRIER_SENSE_TIME   5

Specifies the time the node performs a carrier sense

Function Documentation

◆ RegionAS923GetPhyParam()

PhyParam_t RegionAS923GetPhyParam ( GetPhyParams_t getPhy)

The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute.

[IN]getPhy Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsa structure containing the PHY parameter.

◆ RegionAS923SetBandTxDone()

void RegionAS923SetBandTxDone ( SetBandTxDoneParams_t txDone)

Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel.

[IN]txDone Pointer to the function parameters.

◆ RegionAS923InitDefaults()

void RegionAS923InitDefaults ( InitDefaultsParams_t params)

Initializes the channels masks and the channels.

[IN]type Sets the initialization type.

◆ RegionAS923Verify()

bool RegionAS923Verify ( VerifyParams_t verify,
PhyAttribute_t  phyAttribute 

Verifies a parameter.

[IN]verify Pointer to the function parameters.
[IN]type Sets the initialization type.
Return values
Returnstrue, if the parameter is valid.

◆ RegionAS923ApplyCFList()

void RegionAS923ApplyCFList ( ApplyCFListParams_t applyCFList)

The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the CF list.

[IN]applyCFList Pointer to the function parameters.

◆ RegionAS923ChanMaskSet()

bool RegionAS923ChanMaskSet ( ChanMaskSetParams_t chanMaskSet)

Sets a channels mask.

[IN]chanMaskSet Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnstrue, if the channels mask could be set.

◆ RegionAS923ComputeRxWindowParameters()

void RegionAS923ComputeRxWindowParameters ( int8_t  datarate,
uint8_t  minRxSymbols,
uint32_t  rxError,
RxConfigParams_t rxConfigParams 

Computes the Rx window timeout and offset.

[IN]datarate Rx window datarate index to be used
[IN]minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame.
[IN]rxError System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds The receiver will turn on in a [-rxError : +rxError] ms interval around RxOffset
[OUT]rxConfigParamsReturns updated WindowTimeout and WindowOffset fields.

◆ RegionAS923RxConfig()

bool RegionAS923RxConfig ( RxConfigParams_t rxConfig,
int8_t *  datarate 

Configuration of the RX windows.

[IN]rxConfig Pointer to the function parameters.
[OUT]datarate The datarate index which was set.
Return values
Returnstrue, if the configuration was applied successfully.

◆ RegionAS923TxConfig()

bool RegionAS923TxConfig ( TxConfigParams_t txConfig,
int8_t *  txPower,
TimerTime_t *  txTimeOnAir 

TX configuration.

[IN]txConfig Pointer to the function parameters.
[OUT]txPower The tx power index which was set.
[OUT]txTimeOnAir The time-on-air of the frame.
Return values
Returnstrue, if the configuration was applied successfully.

◆ RegionAS923LinkAdrReq()

uint8_t RegionAS923LinkAdrReq ( LinkAdrReqParams_t linkAdrReq,
int8_t *  drOut,
int8_t *  txPowOut,
uint8_t *  nbRepOut,
uint8_t *  nbBytesParsed 

The function processes a Link ADR Request.

[IN]linkAdrReq Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsthe status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification.

◆ RegionAS923RxParamSetupReq()

uint8_t RegionAS923RxParamSetupReq ( RxParamSetupReqParams_t rxParamSetupReq)

The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request.

[IN]rxParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsthe status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification.

◆ RegionAS923NewChannelReq()

int8_t RegionAS923NewChannelReq ( NewChannelReqParams_t newChannelReq)

The function processes a Channel Request.

[IN]newChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsthe status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification.

◆ RegionAS923TxParamSetupReq()

int8_t RegionAS923TxParamSetupReq ( TxParamSetupReqParams_t txParamSetupReq)

The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request.

[IN]txParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsthe status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. Returns -1, if the functionality is not implemented. In this case, the end node shall not process the command.

◆ RegionAS923DlChannelReq()

int8_t RegionAS923DlChannelReq ( DlChannelReqParams_t dlChannelReq)

The function processes a DlChannel Request.

[IN]dlChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnsthe status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification.

◆ RegionAS923AlternateDr()

int8_t RegionAS923AlternateDr ( int8_t  currentDr,
AlternateDrType_t  type 

Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request.

[IN]currentDr Current datarate.
Return values
Datarateto apply.

◆ RegionAS923NextChannel()

LoRaMacStatus_t RegionAS923NextChannel ( NextChanParams_t nextChanParams,
uint8_t *  channel,
TimerTime_t *  time,
TimerTime_t *  aggregatedTimeOff 

Searches and set the next random available channel.

[OUT]channel Next channel to use for TX.
[OUT]time Time to wait for the next transmission according to the duty cycle.
[OUT]aggregatedTimeOff Updates the aggregated time off.
Return values
Functionstatus [1: OK, 0: Unable to find a channel on the current datarate]

◆ RegionAS923ChannelAdd()

LoRaMacStatus_t RegionAS923ChannelAdd ( ChannelAddParams_t channelAdd)

Adds a channel.

[IN]channelAdd Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Statusof the operation.

◆ RegionAS923ChannelsRemove()

bool RegionAS923ChannelsRemove ( ChannelRemoveParams_t channelRemove)

Removes a channel.

[IN]channelRemove Pointer to the function parameters.
Return values
Returnstrue, if the channel was removed successfully.

◆ RegionAS923ApplyDrOffset()

uint8_t RegionAS923ApplyDrOffset ( uint8_t  downlinkDwellTime,
int8_t  dr,
int8_t  drOffset 

Computes new datarate according to the given offset.

[IN]downlinkDwellTime Downlink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms
[IN]dr Current datarate
[IN]drOffset Offset to be applied
Return values
newDrComputed datarate.

◆ RegionAS923RxBeaconSetup()

void RegionAS923RxBeaconSetup ( RxBeaconSetup_t rxBeaconSetup,
uint8_t *  outDr 

Sets the radio into beacon reception mode.

[IN]rxBeaconSetup Pointer to the function parameters