Documentation of the API
Implementation according to LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.2. More...
Functions | |
PhyParam_t | RegionCN470GetPhyParam (GetPhyParams_t *getPhy) |
The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute. More... | |
void | RegionCN470SetBandTxDone (SetBandTxDoneParams_t *txDone) |
Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel. More... | |
void | RegionCN470InitDefaults (InitDefaultsParams_t *params) |
Initializes the channels masks and the channels. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470Verify (VerifyParams_t *verify, PhyAttribute_t phyAttribute) |
Verifies a parameter. More... | |
void | RegionCN470ApplyCFList (ApplyCFListParams_t *applyCFList) |
The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the CF list. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470ChanMaskSet (ChanMaskSetParams_t *chanMaskSet) |
Sets a channels mask. More... | |
void | RegionCN470ComputeRxWindowParameters (int8_t datarate, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, RxConfigParams_t *rxConfigParams) |
bool | RegionCN470RxConfig (RxConfigParams_t *rxConfig, int8_t *datarate) |
Configuration of the RX windows. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470TxConfig (TxConfigParams_t *txConfig, int8_t *txPower, TimerTime_t *txTimeOnAir) |
TX configuration. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470LinkAdrReq (LinkAdrReqParams_t *linkAdrReq, int8_t *drOut, int8_t *txPowOut, uint8_t *nbRepOut, uint8_t *nbBytesParsed) |
The function processes a Link ADR Request. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470RxParamSetupReq (RxParamSetupReqParams_t *rxParamSetupReq) |
The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request. More... | |
int8_t | RegionCN470NewChannelReq (NewChannelReqParams_t *newChannelReq) |
The function processes a Channel Request. More... | |
int8_t | RegionCN470TxParamSetupReq (TxParamSetupReqParams_t *txParamSetupReq) |
The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request. More... | |
int8_t | RegionCN470DlChannelReq (DlChannelReqParams_t *dlChannelReq) |
The function processes a DlChannel Request. More... | |
int8_t | RegionCN470AlternateDr (int8_t currentDr, AlternateDrType_t type) |
Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request. More... | |
LoRaMacStatus_t | RegionCN470NextChannel (NextChanParams_t *nextChanParams, uint8_t *channel, TimerTime_t *time, TimerTime_t *aggregatedTimeOff) |
Searches and set the next random available channel. More... | |
LoRaMacStatus_t | RegionCN470ChannelAdd (ChannelAddParams_t *channelAdd) |
Adds a channel. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470ChannelsRemove (ChannelRemoveParams_t *channelRemove) |
Removes a channel. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470ApplyDrOffset (uint8_t downlinkDwellTime, int8_t dr, int8_t drOffset) |
Computes new datarate according to the given offset. More... | |
void | RegionCN470RxBeaconSetup (RxBeaconSetup_t *rxBeaconSetup, uint8_t *outDr) |
Sets the radio into beacon reception mode. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A20GetDownlinkFrequency (uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470A20GetBeaconChannelOffset (uint8_t joinChannelIndex) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470A20LinkAdrChMaskUpdate (uint16_t *channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl, uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470A20VerifyRfFreq (uint32_t frequency) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470A20InitializeChannels (ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470A20InitializeChannelsMask (uint16_t *channelsDefaultMask) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A20GetRx1Frequency (uint8_t channel) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A20GetRx2Frequency (uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A26GetDownlinkFrequency (uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470A26GetBeaconChannelOffset (uint8_t joinChannelIndex) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470A26LinkAdrChMaskUpdate (uint16_t *channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl, uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470A26VerifyRfFreq (uint32_t frequency) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470A26InitializeChannels (ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470A26InitializeChannelsMask (uint16_t *channelsDefaultMask) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A26GetRx1Frequency (uint8_t channel) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470A26GetRx2Frequency (uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B20GetDownlinkFrequency (uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470B20GetBeaconChannelOffset (uint8_t joinChannelIndex) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470B20LinkAdrChMaskUpdate (uint16_t *channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl, uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470B20VerifyRfFreq (uint32_t frequency) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470B20InitializeChannels (ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470B20InitializeChannelsMask (uint16_t *channelsDefaultMask) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B20GetRx1Frequency (uint8_t channel) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B20GetRx2Frequency (uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B26GetDownlinkFrequency (uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470B26GetBeaconChannelOffset (uint8_t joinChannelIndex) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
uint8_t | RegionCN470B26LinkAdrChMaskUpdate (uint16_t *channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl, uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
bool | RegionCN470B26VerifyRfFreq (uint32_t frequency) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470B26InitializeChannels (ChannelParams_t *channels) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
void | RegionCN470B26InitializeChannelsMask (uint16_t *channelsDefaultMask) |
Initializes the channels mask and the channels default mask for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B26GetRx1Frequency (uint8_t channel) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
uint32_t | RegionCN470B26GetRx2Frequency (uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz. More... | |
Implementation according to LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.2.
#define CN470_MAX_NB_CHANNELS 96 |
LoRaMac maximum number of channels
#define CN470_TX_MIN_DATARATE DR_1 |
Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
#define CN470_TX_MAX_DATARATE DR_5 |
Maximal datarate that can be used by the node
#define CN470_RX_MIN_DATARATE DR_1 |
Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
#define CN470_RX_MAX_DATARATE DR_5 |
Maximal datarate that can be used by the node
Default datarate used by the node
#define CN470_MIN_RX1_DR_OFFSET 0 |
Minimal Rx1 receive datarate offset
#define CN470_MAX_RX1_DR_OFFSET 5 |
Maximal Rx1 receive datarate offset
#define CN470_MIN_TX_POWER TX_POWER_7 |
Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
#define CN470_MAX_TX_POWER TX_POWER_0 |
Maximal Tx output power that can be used by the node
Default Tx output power used by the node
#define CN470_DEFAULT_MAX_EIRP 19.15f |
Default Max EIRP
#define CN470_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN 2.15f |
Default antenna gain
#define CN470_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED 0 |
Enabled or disabled the duty cycle
#define CN470_MAX_RX_WINDOW 3000 |
Maximum RX window duration
#define CN470_RX_WND_2_DR DR_1 |
Second reception window channel datarate definition.
Default uplink dwell time configuration
#define CN470_BEACON_SIZE 19 |
Payload size of a beacon frame
#define CN470_RFU1_SIZE 2 |
Size of RFU 1 field
#define CN470_RFU2_SIZE 1 |
Size of RFU 2 field
#define CN470_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR DR_2 |
Datarate of the beacon channel
#define CN470_BEACON_CHANNEL_BW 0 |
Bandwith of the beacon channel
Ping slot channel datarate
#define CN470_MAX_NB_BANDS 1 |
LoRaMac maximum number of bands
#define CN470_BAND0 { 1, CN470_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
Band 0 definition Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastBandUpdateTime, LastMaxCreditAssignTime, TimeCredits, MaxTimeCredits, ReadyForTransmission }
#define CN470_FIRST_RX1_CHANNEL ( (uint32_t) 500300000 ) |
Defines the first channel for RX window 1 for CN470 band
#define CN470_LAST_RX1_CHANNEL ( (uint32_t) 509700000 ) |
Defines the last channel for RX window 1 for CN470 band
#define CN470_STEPWIDTH_RX1_CHANNEL ( (uint32_t) 200000 ) |
Defines the step width of the channels for RX window 1
#define CN470_A20_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE 4 |
The maximum number of channels. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE 4 |
The number of entries in the join accept list. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS 8 |
This is a number which is used to calculate the beacon channel in case of frequency hopping. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS 8 |
This is a number which is used to calculate the ping slot channel in case of frequency hopping. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_RX_CHANNEL 483900000 |
The first RX channel, downstream group 1 and 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_LAST_RX_CHANNEL 496500000 |
The last RX channel, downstream group 1 and 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_RX_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, downstream group 1 and 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_TX1_CHANNEL 470300000 |
The first TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_TX1_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_TX2_CHANNEL 503500000 |
The first TX channel, upstream group 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_LAST_TX2_CHANNEL 509700000 |
The last TX channel, upstream group 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_TX2_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 2. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_ABP 486900000 |
The default frequency for RX window 2, when its an ABP device. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_OTAA |
The channel plan frequencies for RX window 2, when its an OTAA device. Channel plan type A, 20MHz.
#define CN470_A26_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE 3 |
The maximum number of channels. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE 3 |
The number of entries in the join accept list. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS 1 |
The number of channels available for the beacon. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS 1 |
The number of channels available for the ping slots. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_FIRST_RX_CHANNEL 490100000 |
The first RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_LAST_RX_CHANNEL 494700000 |
The last RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_STEPWIDTH_RX_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, downstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_FIRST_TX_CHANNEL 470300000 |
The first TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_LAST_TX_CHANNEL 479700000 |
The last TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_STEPWIDTH_TX_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 1. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_RX_WND_2_FREQ 492500000 |
The default frequency for RX window 2 Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_A26_BEACON_FREQ 494900000 |
The default frequency for beacon. Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B20_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE 4 |
The maximum number of channels. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE 4 |
The number of entries in the join accept list. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS 1 |
This is a number which is used to calculate the beacon channel in case of frequency hopping. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS 32 |
This is a number which is used to calculate the ping slot channel in case of frequency hopping. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_FIRST_RX1_CHANNEL 476900000 |
The first RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_LAST_RX1_CHANNEL 483100000 |
The last RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_STEPWIDTH_RX1_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, downstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_FIRST_RX2_CHANNEL 496900000 |
The first RX channel, downstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_LAST_RX2_CHANNEL 503100000 |
The last RX channel, downstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_STEPWIDTH_RX2_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, downstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The first TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The last TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The first TX channel, upstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The last TX channel, upstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 2. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_ABP 498300000 |
The default frequency for RX window 2, when its an ABP device. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_OTAA { 478300000, 498300000 } |
The channel plan frequencies for RX window 2, when its an OTAA device. Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
#define CN470_B26_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE 3 |
The maximum number of channels. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE 3 |
The number of entries in the join accept list. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS 1 |
The number of channels available for the beacon. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS 1 |
The number of channels available for the ping slots. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_FIRST_RX_CHANNEL 500100000 |
The first RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_LAST_RX_CHANNEL 504700000 |
The last RX channel, downstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_STEPWIDTH_RX_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, downstream group 1 and 2. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_FIRST_TX_CHANNEL 480300000 |
The first TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_LAST_TX_CHANNEL 489700000 |
The last TX channel, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_STEPWIDTH_TX_CHANNEL 200000 |
The frequency stepwidth between RX channels, upstream group 1. Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_RX_WND_2_FREQ 502500000 |
The default frequency for RX window 2, Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
#define CN470_B26_BEACON_FREQ 504900000 |
The default frequency for beacon, Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
PhyParam_t RegionCN470GetPhyParam | ( | GetPhyParams_t * | getPhy | ) |
The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute.
[IN] | getPhy Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | a structure containing the PHY parameter. |
void RegionCN470SetBandTxDone | ( | SetBandTxDoneParams_t * | txDone | ) |
Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel.
[IN] | txDone Pointer to the function parameters. |
void RegionCN470InitDefaults | ( | InitDefaultsParams_t * | params | ) |
Initializes the channels masks and the channels.
[IN] | type Sets the initialization type. |
bool RegionCN470Verify | ( | VerifyParams_t * | verify, |
PhyAttribute_t | phyAttribute | ||
) |
Verifies a parameter.
[IN] | verify Pointer to the function parameters. |
[IN] | type Sets the initialization type. |
Returns | true, if the parameter is valid. |
void RegionCN470ApplyCFList | ( | ApplyCFListParams_t * | applyCFList | ) |
The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the CF list.
[IN] | applyCFList Pointer to the function parameters. |
bool RegionCN470ChanMaskSet | ( | ChanMaskSetParams_t * | chanMaskSet | ) |
Sets a channels mask.
[IN] | chanMaskSet Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | true, if the channels mask could be set. |
void RegionCN470ComputeRxWindowParameters | ( | int8_t | datarate, |
uint8_t | minRxSymbols, | ||
uint32_t | rxError, | ||
RxConfigParams_t * | rxConfigParams | ||
) |
Computes the Rx window timeout and offset.
[IN] | datarate Rx window datarate index to be used |
[IN] | minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame. |
[IN] | rxError System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds The receiver will turn on in a [-rxError : +rxError] ms interval around RxOffset |
[OUT]rxConfigParams | Returns updated WindowTimeout and WindowOffset fields. |
bool RegionCN470RxConfig | ( | RxConfigParams_t * | rxConfig, |
int8_t * | datarate | ||
) |
Configuration of the RX windows.
[IN] | rxConfig Pointer to the function parameters. |
[OUT] | datarate The datarate index which was set. |
Returns | true, if the configuration was applied successfully. |
bool RegionCN470TxConfig | ( | TxConfigParams_t * | txConfig, |
int8_t * | txPower, | ||
TimerTime_t * | txTimeOnAir | ||
) |
TX configuration.
[IN] | txConfig Pointer to the function parameters. |
[OUT] | txPower The tx power index which was set. |
[OUT] | txTimeOnAir The time-on-air of the frame. |
Returns | true, if the configuration was applied successfully. |
uint8_t RegionCN470LinkAdrReq | ( | LinkAdrReqParams_t * | linkAdrReq, |
int8_t * | drOut, | ||
int8_t * | txPowOut, | ||
uint8_t * | nbRepOut, | ||
uint8_t * | nbBytesParsed | ||
) |
The function processes a Link ADR Request.
[IN] | linkAdrReq Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. |
uint8_t RegionCN470RxParamSetupReq | ( | RxParamSetupReqParams_t * | rxParamSetupReq | ) |
The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request.
[IN] | rxParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. |
int8_t RegionCN470NewChannelReq | ( | NewChannelReqParams_t * | newChannelReq | ) |
The function processes a Channel Request.
[IN] | newChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. |
int8_t RegionCN470TxParamSetupReq | ( | TxParamSetupReqParams_t * | txParamSetupReq | ) |
The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request.
[IN] | txParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. Returns -1, if the functionality is not implemented. In this case, the end node shall not process the command. |
int8_t RegionCN470DlChannelReq | ( | DlChannelReqParams_t * | dlChannelReq | ) |
The function processes a DlChannel Request.
[IN] | dlChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. |
int8_t RegionCN470AlternateDr | ( | int8_t | currentDr, |
AlternateDrType_t | type | ||
) |
Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request.
[IN] | currentDr Current datarate. |
Datarate | to apply. |
LoRaMacStatus_t RegionCN470NextChannel | ( | NextChanParams_t * | nextChanParams, |
uint8_t * | channel, | ||
TimerTime_t * | time, | ||
TimerTime_t * | aggregatedTimeOff | ||
) |
Searches and set the next random available channel.
[OUT] | channel Next channel to use for TX. |
[OUT] | time Time to wait for the next transmission according to the duty cycle. |
[OUT] | aggregatedTimeOff Updates the aggregated time off. |
Function | status [1: OK, 0: Unable to find a channel on the current datarate] |
LoRaMacStatus_t RegionCN470ChannelAdd | ( | ChannelAddParams_t * | channelAdd | ) |
Adds a channel.
[IN] | channelAdd Pointer to the function parameters. |
Status | of the operation. |
bool RegionCN470ChannelsRemove | ( | ChannelRemoveParams_t * | channelRemove | ) |
Removes a channel.
[IN] | channelRemove Pointer to the function parameters. |
Returns | true, if the channel was removed successfully. |
uint8_t RegionCN470ApplyDrOffset | ( | uint8_t | downlinkDwellTime, |
int8_t | dr, | ||
int8_t | drOffset | ||
) |
Computes new datarate according to the given offset.
[IN] | downlinkDwellTime Downlink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms |
[IN] | dr Current datarate |
[IN] | drOffset Offset to be applied |
newDr | Computed datarate. |
void RegionCN470RxBeaconSetup | ( | RxBeaconSetup_t * | rxBeaconSetup, |
uint8_t * | outDr | ||
) |
Sets the radio into beacon reception mode.
[IN] | rxBeaconSetup Pointer to the function parameters |
uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetDownlinkFrequency | ( | uint8_t | channel, |
uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, | ||
bool | isPingSlot | ||
) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency.
[IN] | channel The Beacon channel number. |
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isPingSlot Set to true, if its a ping slot. |
Returns | the beacon frequency. |
uint8_t RegionCN470A20GetBeaconChannelOffset | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex | ) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
Returns | the offset for the given join channel. |
uint8_t RegionCN470A20LinkAdrChMaskUpdate | ( | uint16_t * | channelsMask, |
uint8_t | chMaskCntl, | ||
uint16_t | chanMask, | ||
ChannelParams_t * | channels | ||
) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | channelsMask A pointer to the channels mask. |
[IN] | chMaskCntl The value of the chMaskCntl field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | chanMask The value of the chanMask field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
Status | of the operation. Return 0x07 if the channels mask is valid. |
bool RegionCN470A20VerifyRfFreq | ( | uint32_t | frequency | ) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | frequency The frequency to verify. |
Returns | true, if the frequency is valid. |
void RegionCN470A20InitializeChannels | ( | ChannelParams_t * | channels | ) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
void RegionCN470A20InitializeChannelsMask | ( | uint16_t * | channelsDefaultMask | ) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | channelsDefaultMask A pointer to the channels default mask. |
uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetRx1Frequency | ( | uint8_t | channel | ) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | channel The channel utilized currently. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetRx2Frequency | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, |
bool | isOtaaDevice | ||
) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isOtaaDevice Set to true, if the device is an OTAA device. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetDownlinkFrequency | ( | uint8_t | channel, |
uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, | ||
bool | isPingSlot | ||
) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency.
[IN] | channel The Beacon channel number. |
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isPingSlot Set to true, if its a ping slot. |
Returns | the beacon frequency. |
uint8_t RegionCN470A26GetBeaconChannelOffset | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex | ) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
Returns | the offset for the given join channel. |
uint8_t RegionCN470A26LinkAdrChMaskUpdate | ( | uint16_t * | channelsMask, |
uint8_t | chMaskCntl, | ||
uint16_t | chanMask, | ||
ChannelParams_t * | channels | ||
) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | channelsMask A pointer to the channels mask. |
[IN] | chMaskCntl The value of the chMaskCntl field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | chanMask The value of the chanMask field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
Status | of the operation. Return 0x07 if the channels mask is valid. |
bool RegionCN470A26VerifyRfFreq | ( | uint32_t | frequency | ) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | frequency The frequency to verify. |
Returns | true, if the frequency is valid. |
void RegionCN470A26InitializeChannels | ( | ChannelParams_t * | channels | ) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
void RegionCN470A26InitializeChannelsMask | ( | uint16_t * | channelsDefaultMask | ) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | channelsDefaultMask A pointer to the channels default mask. |
uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetRx1Frequency | ( | uint8_t | channel | ) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | channel The channel utilized currently. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470A26GetRx2Frequency | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, |
bool | isOtaaDevice | ||
) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type A, 26MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isOtaaDevice Set to true, if the device is an OTAA device. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B20GetDownlinkFrequency | ( | uint8_t | channel, |
uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, | ||
bool | isPingSlot | ||
) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency.
[IN] | channel The Beacon channel number. |
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isPingSlot Set to true, if its a ping slot. |
Returns | the beacon frequency. |
uint8_t RegionCN470B20GetBeaconChannelOffset | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex | ) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
Returns | the offset for the given join channel. |
uint8_t RegionCN470B20LinkAdrChMaskUpdate | ( | uint16_t * | channelsMask, |
uint8_t | chMaskCntl, | ||
uint16_t | chanMask, | ||
ChannelParams_t * | channels | ||
) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | channelsMask A pointer to the channels mask. |
[IN] | chMaskCntl The value of the chMaskCntl field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | chanMask The value of the chanMask field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
Status | of the operation. Return 0x07 if the channels mask is valid. |
bool RegionCN470B20VerifyRfFreq | ( | uint32_t | frequency | ) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | frequency The frequency to verify. |
Returns | true, if the frequency is valid. |
void RegionCN470B20InitializeChannels | ( | ChannelParams_t * | channels | ) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
void RegionCN470B20InitializeChannelsMask | ( | uint16_t * | channelsDefaultMask | ) |
Initializes the channels default mask for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | channelsDefaultMask A pointer to the channels default mask. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B20GetRx1Frequency | ( | uint8_t | channel | ) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | channel The channel utilized currently. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B20GetRx2Frequency | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, |
bool | isOtaaDevice | ||
) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type B, 20MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isOtaaDevice Set to true, if the device is an OTAA device. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B26GetDownlinkFrequency | ( | uint8_t | channel, |
uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, | ||
bool | isPingSlot | ||
) |
Calculation of the beacon frequency.
[IN] | channel The Beacon channel number. |
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isPingSlot Set to true, if its a ping slot. |
Returns | the beacon frequency. |
uint8_t RegionCN470B26GetBeaconChannelOffset | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex | ) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
Returns | the offset for the given join channel. |
uint8_t RegionCN470B26LinkAdrChMaskUpdate | ( | uint16_t * | channelsMask, |
uint8_t | chMaskCntl, | ||
uint16_t | chanMask, | ||
ChannelParams_t * | channels | ||
) |
Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | channelsMask A pointer to the channels mask. |
[IN] | chMaskCntl The value of the chMaskCntl field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | chanMask The value of the chanMask field of the LinkAdrReq. |
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
Status | of the operation. Return 0x07 if the channels mask is valid. |
bool RegionCN470B26VerifyRfFreq | ( | uint32_t | frequency | ) |
Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | frequency The frequency to verify. |
Returns | true, if the frequency is valid. |
void RegionCN470B26InitializeChannels | ( | ChannelParams_t * | channels | ) |
Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | channels A pointer to the available channels. |
void RegionCN470B26InitializeChannelsMask | ( | uint16_t * | channelsDefaultMask | ) |
Initializes the channels mask and the channels default mask for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | channelsDefaultMask A pointer to the channels default mask. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B26GetRx1Frequency | ( | uint8_t | channel | ) |
Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | channel The channel utilized currently. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |
uint32_t RegionCN470B26GetRx2Frequency | ( | uint8_t | joinChannelIndex, |
bool | isOtaaDevice | ||
) |
Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the Channel plan type B, 26MHz.
[IN] | joinChannelIndex The join channel index. |
[IN] | isOtaaDevice Set to true, if the device is an OTAA device. |
Returns | the frequency which shall be used. |