LoRaMAC  4.5.2
Documentation of the API
RegionCN470A20.h File Reference

Specific implementations of channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...

#include "region/Region.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define CN470_A20_CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE   4
#define CN470_A20_JOIN_ACCEPT_LIST_SIZE   4
#define CN470_A20_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS   8
#define CN470_A20_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS   8
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_RX_CHANNEL   483900000
#define CN470_A20_LAST_RX_CHANNEL   496500000
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_RX_CHANNEL   200000
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_TX1_CHANNEL   470300000
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_TX1_CHANNEL   200000
#define CN470_A20_FIRST_TX2_CHANNEL   503500000
#define CN470_A20_LAST_TX2_CHANNEL   509700000
#define CN470_A20_STEPWIDTH_TX2_CHANNEL   200000
#define CN470_A20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_ABP   486900000
#define CN470_A20_RX_WND_2_FREQ_OTAA


uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetDownlinkFrequency (uint8_t channel, uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isPingSlot)
 Calculation of the beacon frequency. More...
uint8_t RegionCN470A20GetBeaconChannelOffset (uint8_t joinChannelIndex)
 Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
uint8_t RegionCN470A20LinkAdrChMaskUpdate (uint16_t *channelsMask, uint8_t chMaskCntl, uint16_t chanMask, ChannelParams_t *channels)
 Performs the update of the channelsMask based on the input parameters for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
bool RegionCN470A20VerifyRfFreq (uint32_t frequency)
 Verifies if the frequency provided is valid for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
void RegionCN470A20InitializeChannels (ChannelParams_t *channels)
 Initializes all channels, datarates, frequencies and bands for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
void RegionCN470A20InitializeChannelsMask (uint16_t *channelsDefaultMask)
 Initializes the channels default mask for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetRx1Frequency (uint8_t channel)
 Computes the frequency for the RX1 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...
uint32_t RegionCN470A20GetRx2Frequency (uint8_t joinChannelIndex, bool isOtaaDevice)
 Computes the frequency for the RX2 window for the channel plan type A, 20MHz. More...

Detailed Description

Specific implementations of channel plan type A, 20MHz.

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(C)2013-2017 Semtech
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Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )